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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to eventually become a actor, but when I get on stage I get really nervou

Question:I've been doing theatre class for half a year, but I still don't know how to become less anxious when performing. any ideas? thx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been doing theatre class for half a year, but I still don't know how to become less anxious when performing. any ideas? thx!

It's all about feeling confident. Once you know what you are doing it will get better, but most people feel this way (even seasoned actors) The best way is to do breathing exercises, overprepare, and don't overthink yourself, let it flow naturally. I sometimes have a sip of brandy (just a sip mind you) and a smoke, even some ocd ritualls that calm my nerves. even Just a smile relaxes you a little, and don't fixate on the audience, pretend theyre not there or are just ppl you know.

When looking out into the audience, picture them all in Power Ranger and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle outfits with bright yellow and purple over sized Afros.

There are other jobs in the theatre besides being an actor.
See if there is a job in theatre that you would love to have.
Do what your passion leads you to do.

It just takes practice. I used to do a lot of theater, and I remember the opening night of my first show in my first scene I had to keep my hands in my pockets because they were shaking so bad. About 2 years later I did a whole scene in nothing but a pair of white briefs without thinking about it. Just keep plugging along, you'll get used to it eventually.

Concentrate on the job at hand and not who might be observing you. You're not keeping focus.

When I started acting I was the same way. Practice is the best way to prevent that. If your already in an Acting group get confortable around them and you'll eventually feel more confortable. If your not, join an acting group. It is tons of fun. It's normal to feel neverous but it will get better. <3