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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm do I get the part I really want?

Question:so ya im trying out for my high school's musical (guys and dolls) next week and i really want the part of Sarah Brown..any advice on auditioning (singing or acting)?? i feel pretty confident with singing, but the acting not so much..thanks a lot!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so ya im trying out for my high school's musical (guys and dolls) next week and i really want the part of Sarah Brown..any advice on auditioning (singing or acting)?? i feel pretty confident with singing, but the acting not so much..thanks a lot!!

I'm am totally the opposite of you...I always have trouble with my singing. Anyway, look at the monologue that you have to read. Think about what emotion is being exhibited in that monologue. Then think about a time in your life that you felt that way. Before you say your monologue, take one second to look at the ground and let that emotion fill you up. Then, with that genuine feeling of emotion, say the monologue LOUD and CLEARLY. The louder you are, the more you'll stand out. you can never be too loud. Make sure you smile and say hello to all of the auditioners. Thank them when you leave. Even if you are feeling nervous, try and look confident. Being loud and friendly usually will do the trick. Good luck!

Act like you really want it

have talent and use it at the audition

I was in that play. You should sing "I'll know" if you're a soprano.

Directors much prefer the actor who auditions for the show and who is willing to do whatever role the director feels they can help the show most with than the actor who only wants one role. So my advice is to just audition for the show and be glad to help make it a success in any way you can.

give more than what the director wants and blow him away. but also you have to remember to have fun!! Good Luck!!

be a blonde!

j/k what you gotta do is pretend that you r actually living the part you r auditioning 4.
you need to let embarrasment,shyness,and insecurity all out and have fun with it. remember pretend(but really pretend) with all your life that the part is ur life.
that worked for me.

hope it helps.

well the first part of the audition is obviously gonna be singing, don't over do it, just do your thing, and then your acting maybe like rehearse parts of the play with your friends or something like that learn important lines from the character etc...

you are lucky at my high school, if you were not the exact description of the character you would not get the part and since for most plays they are white boys/girls and I'm hispanic I would never get nice parts, always ensamble, friggin' chaffey high school....yeah right you if youwere really that great friggin racist should never have won that contest about the "best" high school musical in so don't deserve it

sorry for my rant I had to get it out...


Frankly, that sounds like a vile audition process ... but be prepared when you go into audition. Know the show and the role inside out: read the script 87 times, listen to the soundtrack till you know every note, watch the filmed version (although it's awful...) - anything to research the production and the role you want.

Go into the audition with an open mind. A major mistake that I know some people make (I am guilty of it in the past) that you only give the audition everything you've got when you're reading lines for the character. Give it your best shot, no matter who you read for. If you get in, the director will put you where your acting/singing skills are most suited.

Good luck! And Guys and Dolls is a great play to do! 8-)