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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can you become a actor?

Question:i wanna become an actor and i dont know how plz help i am only 12 plz no rude comments.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i wanna become an actor and i dont know how plz help i am only 12 plz no rude comments.

You gotta get your parents behind it, train, do real work.

Britney Spears mother paid to take her to LA to see the Disney people who wouldn't her because she was 11 and green. They recomended a boarding school with intenstive acting training and Britney's mother paids thousands to send her there and they did another audtion when she was 12 or 13 and she passed.

You also have to have $2,500 ready to buy your union card. And a parent has to be with you on set all day long.

If you're parents don't get behind you then you have to do it on your own with You Tube videos, friends, drama courses at school, reading books on acting.

You'll have to home school, unschool and even then without a parent you have to wait until your 18 and fight the family tooth claw and nail because if they won't help you, they'll be just as upset when youre 18.

To become a theater stage actor Id start at your school or local theater See if any plays are coming up. That is a great way to start building acting experience.