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What is the best way to memorize your script lines?

This Saturday I have to act out my lines in front of my acting teacher and classmates. I don't want to mess up and it's hard for me to memorize my lines. So, what is the best way to remember them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Practice running through the lines with a friend or friends. Do it until you no longer need the script -- then do it again in a day or two, just to be certain.

2. If this is not possible, or you want added enforcement, write down your lines. Run them through your head and keep writing until you remember them well enough to do it without the script.

3. Can you do a little choreography, or blocking, or even gestures? That can help, too.

4. Not only memorize your lines, but remember the lines that come before your's. How do you (or your character) react? That helps me remember my lines -- remembering what was said immediately before, and knowing how I should react. stick them on to your roof/wall and read them over before you go to sleep and get someone to help you to act them out ?? Run them with a parent or friend over and over. Call everyone you know and run them. Just keep saying them. You'll get angry when you mess up, so you'll want to do them perfectly. You'll learn them. read my profile and write to my at my aol address and I will send you a couple of pages of hints. Make sure you understand what the character is saying and why. The lines are communication so they come from some need to respond to other characters (or the audience). If you look at each line in context and ask yourself why your character says that at that time, in response to what is happening you will be able to remember the lines much better. Connect each essential message to the cue. If you make the connections from understanding, you will remember them. Well I've been in alot of school plays/acting classes ect. and the way I memorize is I read the lins and then go over them with a family member or friend and then just go line by line and practice.... read tm 2 urself over and ovr...thts wt works 4 me.....but wt worls 4 me might no work 4 u....soo expiriment w/ dif methods