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Position:Home>Poetry> Why do we need to study the theories and approaches in literature?

Question: Why do we need to study the theories and approaches in literature!?
I need additional ideas!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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kind of like people who are into cars!. they learn to drive, then they learn to fix a few minor things, and they keep going until they can take apart and put back together a 69 gto blindfolded!. Their greater understanding of cars gives them a kind of control!. they can make the car they want or if they can't do that they can have a deep, useful, and pleasurable understanding about cars or they have ideas about ways to make a car better!.

What makes a mitsubishi eclipse better than or worse than a subaru wrx is completely lost on me but I have friends for whom the working on and running of and understanding of these cars gives them great pleasure and utility (they tend to be able to fix a lot of things!.

and its kind of like that with literature!. you like to read, you get some pleasure out of it, you start to learn all these critical theories and linguistic theories, and you find you have a greater understanding of the work and maybe an appreciation of it, and pretty soon you can take apart and put a story back together in 20 different ways!. And pretty soon along with greater understanding, you start to have you own original thoughts about the works you read and you keep writing good papers and then they get published and then you're one of the big boys just like your professors!.

And thats when you're calling the shots!. You have a different opinion, maybe a better understanding, about a story or book, than your classmates or your professor!. You get to decide for yourself whether Huck Finn is a great novel or mostly trash ( I say trash and I can defend that position well to an audience of english phds and grad students)!.

and a greater understanding of one important part of the world (literature) probably leads to greater understanding of the world at large!.Www@QuestionHome@Com