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Position:Home>Poetry> Please help ={ (this is also for the people who can write a poem or anything sim

Question: Please help ={ (this is also for the people who can write a poem or anything similar to a poem)!?
there's this guy i like, we are friends well he looks just like oliver sykes, where into the same music, like rock, punk, metal, screemo and all!. i have a crush on him ever since i met him which was for a long time, but he had a girlfriend!. cause i always think of him, i had the same dream for 3 nights that he gave me bunch of red roses to me at school, and when i woke up my sis said that he broke up with his gf!. a few weeks later he had a good friend and she is his gf!. they are really good and happy together!. so i dont want to interfeer with that cause he is my friend!. but i really like him!. i dont know how to stop it, i always think of him, whats he been upto and all!. i cant stop looking at his pics with him and his gf!. also when i look at him!. and i cant tell him how i feel !. !. well cause i dont know!. but we are friends!.!.!. so guys the wole point of this question is that im trying to wirte a poem or something like a poem about him and the story that i told you above cause i dont know how to wirte one!.!.!.!. dont write the whole thing out, i just need a begining to start and il try to finish it!. and can you please tell me how to write one, like tips or something thats all thank you so much and i really appriciate you for reading all this =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From the core of my heart
to the bottom of my brain
I will say this again and again
I love you
Do you feel the same

Hope that helps (It worked for me)
PS: First make sure of his feelings for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple Shades of a Celebration Unknown~~Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is a boy, and she is a girl
can it be any more obvious!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here a a few tips on how to write a poem:
The Subject:

Commonly known as the ‘Theme’ of the poem, this is the important starting point and central point of your work!. What is the poem all about!? What are you trying to get across to the world at large, via your poem!? Is it a story, an experience, a description of events, or a description of a place!?

An interesting way to take the jump from this point is writing down the words, phrases or sentences that come to your mind when you are thinking about the subject or the theme of your poem!. Don’t worry if nothing sounds or feels right, just write it down for now!.

The Feeling:

A poem, no matter how descriptive it may be, is not to be used to state the obvious!. We all know that the grass is green, for example!. What you need to express in your poem is what you felt when you saw the green grass!. What emotions did it evoke within you!? What were you going through at the time and how did seeing the green grass change or enhance your feelings at that moment of time!? With your words, you have to convey what you feel or felt!. The readers have to understand the depth of what you were going through!. A poem is essentially about the emotions of the poet!.

A way to get past the barrier of writing about emotions is to take ordinary things from your daily life and write down whatever ‘feeling’ words come to your mind when you see the object!. Such a list will come in handy and is a good way to practice!.

The Mood:

How do you want to portray your thoughts, ideas and feelings via this poem!? Do you want to make it a serious poem, or a funny one, a sarcastic one or an irreverent one!? The mood can often help you convey the feelings more effectively!.

Once you have your feeling words in place, you can choose different moods of the poem and try to write a sentence or two that contains the theme and the feeling in these various moods!. Which mood do you like the best!? Which mood conveys what you feel about the subject more effectively!?

The Style:

Choose a style of writing the poem from among several – from classical to the modern contemporary styles of writing poetry, there are many to choose from!. Pick a style which is easier for you to work with!. Most modern poets often use the free verse style of poetry!. Although, to the beginner, this style may not have a formal structure and sound easy to write in, look closely at the work of popular free verse poets and you will find a basic form lurking somewhere!.

An exercise to try out at this juncture is to write down your thoughts about something or someone in free verse and then trying to see if you can put those lines into another well-known structure or style of writing poetry!. Perhaps a few changes here and there and it might do the trick!. Try doing that with two or three styles and find one which you are more comfortable with!. This process will help you revise your work and find your style at the same time!.

The Audience:

Who are you writing for!? The audience of the poem can help you choose the language, the style and the words to be used in your piece!. Experiment with forms and words to find your unique ‘Voice’ as a poet!.

Read out your poem to a few of your friends, relatives, and neighbors etc who fit in with your description of your target audience!. Ask for their feedback and what they felt about the poem!. Don’t take negative feedback or criticism to heart – it is in fact a learning experience all the way!. Try and try till you get it just right!.

Other Helpful Tips:

* It makes sense to study the forms and styles used by poets across the world to become more familiar with structure, format, rhythm, rhyme and meter along with several other elements used in poetry!.
* A dictionary or a thesaurus is very handy to have!. Often, a search for meanings of words can help you take a jump off to another wonderful dimension within your poetry!.
* Keep a journal, notebook or a diary where you record your thoughts, feelings and experiences, even dreams!. You may never know where they may lead you off to!.
* Attend as many poet / poetry groups as you can!. This helps you get your work read and critiqued by other people and can provide you with valuable insights on your work!.
* And to conclude, (and this is perhaps the best tip of all), don’t be afraid to edit and re-write!. Don’t take all the criticism personally!. Keep a good sense of humor while showing your work!. Keep working at it till you feel it is just right and every single word is exactly where it should be!.

Mind spending some of your valuable time to answer my questions!?
You answers mean a lot to me!.

1> What would you think, if i commented on your picture with these words!?
For girls/ see from their point of view:

2> What Do You Think About These Words!?:

Thanks have Www@QuestionHome@Com