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Position:Home>Poetry> Do u like my poem?? PLEASE BE REAL ABOUT IT 2. ITS ABOUT SOMETHIN REAL 2 ME.?

Question: Do u like my poem!?!? PLEASE BE REAL ABOUT IT 2!. ITS ABOUT SOMETHIN REAL 2 ME!.!?
I want you,but cant have you, my time with you is done!.
I reminence on the days i would talk to you just hoping we would be 1!.
Never knowing you were mine anyways,Id pursue you everyday!.
All i had to say was "will you be mine" and then Id only have to pray that you'd stay!.
I miss you everyda,its an evergrowing pain in my heart!.
even though we were never together,i wished that we would never part!.
As hard as Id try to forget,I never could!.
Your'e a reocurring fantasy,I even loved the way you stood!.
Ur eyes, lips, style, and smile were all reasons i could never learn in class,
your personality was just the worm that hooked me in like i was a big mouth Bass!.
They never liked you,thats because they never understood,
They were all jealous of your beauty,they never saw the true you, the 1 that I never knew i would!.
I tried to put girls i was infatuated with in your place,
But just like life,you can not be replaced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with Tiffany!.!. But I gotta be honest!.!. It made me cry!.!.
My favorite line is:"They never liked you,thats because they never understood,
They were all jealous of your beauty,they never saw the true you, the 1 that I never knew i would!." (I can relate to this)
I'd give 9!.3!.!. It's really good, it's fresh and even thought we may use this words every day, the way you composed it,really shows that you honestly feel what you write!.!. It's great cause those feelings are as deep as the bottom of the ocean!.!. It also includes immediacy and straightness which is a big plus!.!.Not everyone to pull it off!.!.Congrats!.!. If you try to express this way everytime you feel down,you can do more!.!.you know there's a rule about writing!. "The first thing to writing is to write, not to think" That's what you did!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, I really liked it, let's see fav line!.!.!.the bass line, I love to fish, lol, and I give it a 10+Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is rely rely sweet! I think it's rely good!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

10 all the way!.!.!.!.!.what is the deal buddy!?!?!?!?got a chick!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is sweet and loving, it is a bit confusing whether or not you two were ever together, but your love is clear and so is how much you miss her now!.
I wish someone would write me a love poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com