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Position:Home>Poetry> A random poem... is it any good?

Question: A random poem!.!.!. is it any good!?
Keeping all sorts of scattered thoughts on my mind!.
Catering to whichever one that it's center might find!.
Imprinting the presence of some with or without resonance;
Lifting them into light & accompanying them with questions!.

My mind swims among things that come and go;
Yelling in silence at thoughts going to and fro!.

Saving certain concepts and ideas;
Later they might return to me, after all!.
Yes or not; this one, I'll share with y'all!.
Laughing with some, as a "nice to see ya!"
Yet, I ponder if they wander; kept & studied in a mental labWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
is the last paragraph part of the poem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com