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Question: Tips for writing poems!?
Whenever I write a poem, I always feel as if I did something wrong, and that is sucks, so I tear it up and I never see it again!. I'm afraid to share anything I write, because I don't need people telling me that I suck at something at the moment!.!.!.I just want some tips!.!.!.so can you help me please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

That fact you fear your work isn't good shows passion!.!.!.that's good!. Instead of tearing them up, put them away for a month, a year, five years! You'll be surprised, someday, you'll take a look, think, maybe that it still sucks, but there are some good lines that should be used!.

As you grow as a poet, you'll learn and look at those old pieces and maybe revise them, rewrite them, breathe new life into an old work with new knowledge!

The best advice I can give you is the advice my mentor, Richard Shelton gave me: "If you want to write poetry, you need to read the best of that style of poetry!. Read the literary journals, see what is being published!. The more you read, the more you'll want to write!."

There are a few of us who will help, just for the sake of helping a new poet!. I am one such poet!.

Keep Writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peanut Butter,
First step don't be hard on yourself
good poems are not everyday
As far as the poems suck this is because
people don't have anything better to do than insult!.
I wouldnt insult you I am not like the others
There are different ways to write poetry
Some people write poems that rhyme
others don't but poetry doesn't have to rhyme
just remember it needs to come from the heart
spelling and grammar is concentrated on
For example if you are in the park
there are many things in the park
makes notes
what is in there
what is the weather when you write
the type of background you have

This site could also help you out too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, I'll tell you how i do it== first pick a topic=(meaningfull) practice like this= look around your room form something that is important to you==Lets say you pick the clock== then you find as many words as you can that rhyme with clock== block=doc=stock=rock n sock= lock don't forget tic toc= And then you be creative and come up with a story as well as a poem= ya see the poem tells the tale==About all the things that are on your block = i come up with the idea of your room and the clock=not rock n sock or do you buy stock== just a single idea of the sound of tic toc== So make a story of your poems and never throw ever them away== sleeppy grumpy, bashful and we'll throw in a doc along the way== I'll give you a good poemm title= see what you can do with it=="Keyboard Knights" it has a few meanings== Tell the taleb of people who go out on their keyboards and a lot of time it hapens in the middle of the nite== i'll tell ya peanut butter this could even be a hit single= country anway===I dim the lights as i get home and off to the computer i do roam==Oh them "Keyboard Knights" where I light up the screen, as I climb to distant greater heights==Www@QuestionHome@Com

That fear of rejection might prevent you from improving!.!.!. if you need to!. Posting poems online is a good way of getting opinions!. There's no need to worry about what someone who you can't see might think of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tip for writing the perfect poem:

Don't waste your time thinking about it,
Take a pencil out,
And a piece of paper,
And spit the freaking words out!

It's as easy as that!Www@QuestionHome@Com