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Position:Home>Poetry> Something for all you mothers.?

Question: Something for all you mothers!.!?
Present Past

You live your lives one life at a time
Each one its very own sequel
Try not to set the bar too high
For rainbows are so hard to equal

Enjoy the day for that’s what it is
Those dark clouds will surely fade
Take a mirrored look at your self
Do delight in the mess you’ve made

Cherish the journey even while down
Your efforts weren’t (aren’t) in vain
Glance in your soul smile and remember
‘Twas just rewards for such harsh pain

With the joy you’ve brought to others
You’ve become your greatest creation
Such beauty was delivered through you
To travel into the next generation

Behind the smiles lay dormant tears
There’s been nothing easy about life
Marvel at all you’ve done and become
As a daughter, sister, mother and wife!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thankyou Sweetheart, That was Truly Lovely,and How Nice To Be Appreciated as A Mother! xWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok!.!.!. what about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com