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Position:Home>Poetry> How is this?Is it too vague?

Question: How is this!?Is it too vague!?
I look at your face filled with ill logic
You are presented evil, but are you!?

You killed for thrills
Maybe even still unfulfilled!?

Is it god’s will to have you in this mill!?
Grain to Flour!.

I look at your face filled with Pretense!?
You are presented evil but you are not!.

You killed with thrills!.
Maybe even still unfulfilled!?

Is it god’s will to have you in this hell hole!?
Insanity to Sanity!?

I look at you closeup
Maybe we're all are F**ked up!.

This poem is about how people who are REALLY crazy, and those in mental hospitals might just be that much crazier than any other person!. I wanted to comment that it is not anything to do with god, really but a expression, and i use "is it gods will to have you here" as something that a crazy person would say!. How is it!? Does the message come though!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the message is fairly clear!. One ambiguous point (and it is actually just a question of grammar): when you say "You are presented evil," it sounds like the person the speaker is adressing is being confronted by evil, rather than presented AS evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com