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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote my first Book of Poetry. I want to write my second book, but I lack focu

Question: I wrote my first Book of Poetry!. I want to write my second book, but I lack focus!. What shoud I do!?
You can check out my profile if you like!. I love writing!. I want to write a second book but I lack discipline, especially when I'm doing Homework!. Thanks!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe you should target the things you are bad at and lack at!. I know I'm not helping but maybe you should try to concentrate and focus and think "I have to this! Concentrate!" That's what I do when I lack focus!. Like write now I'm supposed to write a persusuaive essay but instead write answers! =D LOL (I have to focus on that righ now!.!.!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Poetry comes from a compulsion!. If you have something to say and it comes best to you in this form, then you will write again!. But if your aim is to write a second book, I question the contents!. Poetry isn't about deciding to write it, it's a mode of expression!. Your emotions, troubles, joys will guide you!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com