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Position:Home>Poetry> Meter question. "Unreal" it "UN-RE-AL" or "UN-RIL&

Question: Meter question!. "Unreal"!.!.!.is it "UN-RE-AL" or "UN-RIL"!.!.!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally, I learned that the negative forms were stressed!. Therefore, UN-real!. If this is your question!. Stress on the first!. Trochee!.

EDIT: I get the question!. No, it is not three syllables but two!. The extra "e" is called a "schwa" in phonetics (its symbol is an inverte "e", I can't write it here) and does not count as a complete syllable!. And it is not always pronounced (I mean, not by all)!. So, the "ea" of "real" is not a diphthong, but a long syllable!. But maybe you people have funny accents!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say "un-reel!." If there is so much doubt, another word should probably be substituted: "virtual sorrow!."

EDIT: You should accept Annabella's answer!. I studied phonetics because at one time I wanted to be a linguist!. However, there was too much math involved in linguistics, believe it or not!. She is absolutely correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've just been throwing this around and I actually say it both ways!. I guess it depends on my mood and/or who I'm talking to, I dunno!.!.!.!.
In poetry I think it could safely be counted as 2 or 3 syllables, depending on the writer!. Of course I'm probably wrong about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do I write my rhyme and say,
The subject is un-real!?
Or would it be un-re-al,
A syllable to steal!.

Some might think either one was wrong,
Might think them a mistake!.
I get around the problem now,
I simply say it's fake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say un-re-al, but I've been told that I am wrong and I mess up my syllable counts because of it!. I do this with many words!.

According to the dictionary, it is pronounced both ways!.
[uhn-ree-uhl, -reel]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always thought it was three syllables and I just checked the dictionary , which confirmed that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im with Dondi on this one!. lol
except when we go to Freds and the boys always say that bull is UnReal!
i say no hes not!. go in there!. hahahaha!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought I knew but now you have me wondering!.!.!.but I think there are two syllables in the word: un-REAL!. I could be wrong!.!.!.but I think that's right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say it as Elaine stated!.!.!."un-reel"Www@QuestionHome@Com