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Position:Home>Poetry> Do u understand my poem?

Question: Do u understand my poem!?

no more facking it!.!.!.!.!.remember when u said,
we would spend our lives together,
now so many things go through my head!.
what sort of pills should i swallow!?
which way to slide the razor along my wrist!?
because of ur liesu have made me so hollow,
on the inside there is now nothing there,
and all of this is because u simply did not care!.
well unfortunately i'm cutting this poem short!.
ur reading this with a tear falling down ur cheek!.
now i will be nothing more than a thought,
with as many pills i can take and razorblade cuts on my wrists,
this will be the last i will ever have to fake!.

i wrote it and i dont really know if anyone understands it!. do u!?

i'm 14 but i wrote it when i was 13!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the idea of the poem is pretty much easily grasped!.!.i feel its prety good with all the razor blade talk and stuff!.!.great stuff esp for a 13 yr old!.!.!.!!

Hey girl!. I think I understand!. You're feeling very down at that point in time, perhaps because this person was leaving you (and hence not together), and you're thinking of taking your life, sick of pretence!. The person has hurt you very deep, though what you saught was not revenge but simply a way to get out of it, and thus you chose to take your life!.

That's the gist of it!. I am aware that this may not be you yourself!. So I'd say change all the "you" in my previous paragraph to "the protagonist", might be better perhaps!? Let me know if I understood you correctly!.


it means that u liked someone but then u went into depression bcuz the person didnt keep their promise!. so u were gonna take pills and cut ur wrists to try and make u feel better!. or commit suicide!.!.!.srry if i offend u but thats what i think it means!. =\Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's very nice did you wrote it by your self or just joking
If you did it by your self then I'll tell that very very nice but little bit complicated, I truly really like poems and always send that poems to my husband( he is far from me)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I think this poem is pretty self-explanatory, though not my style!.
It's about someone who has hurt you!. It's not really that hard to figure out!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wooo, good job! Completely understandable and very nice!. Keep it going:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely understand it dear :]

Good workWww@QuestionHome@Com