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Position:Home>Poetry> Its crazy how I can relate to alot of poetry I read! I read it and can say "

Question: Its crazy how I can relate to alot of poetry I read! I read it and can say "yeah I've felt the same!"

Reading poetry by others,
seeing there words play our before me in perfect rhyme!.
Watching there feelings come to life in the form of words,
seeing a clear picture of what they see!.
Thinking “wow that looks like my life,
so close to me”

Take a line from this poem,
take a word or two from another,
add something of my self and
watch what comes out!.

Feel the feelings of this one and relate to it,
know the tears described in that one
and remember how it was for me!.

Feel the coldness written in that,
hear the words from this,
remember the good times I had like
in the poem before me,
remember the heart ache I felt
as I read one that is so close to matching my own life!.

Its crazy to see how much of me I see in other poetry,
how much my feelings are brought to life by
some one else that felt just the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it and I know what you mean!. This is why I love poetry, it's like getting into the mind!.!.!.and when you can relate to what a person is writing it makes it even more special because you know you are not alone in your emotions and thoughts!. I also like reading poetry that I don't necessarily relate to, though, because then it opens my mind to different trains of thought!. Good job, Kate!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you have a question or do you want the poem critiqued!? In any case, this poem only rhyme's sometimes, so you should chose to either have all of it rhyme or none of it!. It would help the poem flow better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is really good!. Like me, you go too fast and leave in the typos!. Still, I struggled through to find a neat little perspective poem!. Nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It discribes what you see its something personal abut you and i like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

add some rhyming words to the end!. like an a-a-b-b or a-b-a-b pattern!. !.!.!.!. and!.!.!.what is your questions!? hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com