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Position:Home>Poetry> What think you of Part 4 of 'Allegra'?

Question: What think you of Part 4 of 'Allegra'!?
Send the priest who tends his own soul!.!.!.
Not the vine, not the rose!.
Priests are not gardeners!.
Let the chaliced one be pregnant with memories
Of dry plains, thorns,
Rosebuds that opened in Hell!.!.!.
Surrounding demons with a moment of scent!. Earth!.
Send the demon who died with
A rose in his hand!.

I hold the lilt of memories, redeeming by being!.
No stones!. Cover me with Hell's roses,
Thorns, reed, and drum!.
Then let me leave my bed!.!.!.do it all again!.
Laughing with Shiva!.
Dancing with the Dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think repitition is life's strongest drive , some say sex and yes we like to do that again and again too!. but!.!. Evolution has proved that everything will be repeated, relived!. We breathe and breathe and breathe!. !.!.!.so again you did it!. wrote a solution to the question why we are here!. !.!.!.to do it again!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many cultures do not see the dead as "scary!." The Russian Orthodox monks in Upstate NY have a beautiful cemetery and they use it as a place of contemplation!. There is one magnificent line in this poem that I read over and over and it continues to be fresh: "I hold the lilt of memories!.!." This poem contains song, laughter, dance and so by implication joy!. There is no reason to be frightened!. We westerners are so monotheistic, we forget or are ignorant of other cultural icons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is uncanny, beautiful and enigmatic- it makes me wonder and ponder!. It brings to mind reincarnation, rebirth, as well as death!. It seems that every single word is carefully chosen to have the most impact!. This hard work as well as the indisputable gift that you possess have combined to create an outstanding poem that I will remember!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice that you included footnotes! lol Doesn't sound like the Priest is doing much since he believes in damnation and not reincarnation!. Shiva, siva, the dictionary had to help me there!. Dancing with the Dead!.!.!.about to be reborn, naw!.!.!.I best not go to "Dead Man Walking"! lol An intriguing write and one that makes one think, which I think is not a bad thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Boy, did you ever make me think,
My poetry definitely now will stink!.
Beside the works of one so gifted
With this poem my spirits weren't lifted!.
Or maybe they should be, I'll re-read it again
You are the lady of the gifted pen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it's beautifully written, but you already know that!
I'm scared of the imagery here!.

I added an edit to my answer to your question about best answers earlier!. Is that what you meant!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

dear elyslund:

i like reading your poetry!.!.!.
when i first read it!.!.!. i read Algebra!.!.!.

just goes to show what being a math teacher of 18 years will do to you!.!.!. we tend to see that which we are sometimes!.

best wishes and warm regards!.!.!. always!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really quite engrossing! Have you posted parts 1, 2 and 3 recently or have I missed them completely!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another one to add to my favorites!. It inspires a great picture in my mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has such deep meaning!.!.!. I will have to read them all more then once to fully know and even then, no one ever fully knows!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would very much like to read the entire work, it looks intriguing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its soo meningful and wonderful im very glad you posted this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very Nice!.!.!.!!

Have a Nice Day!.!.!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Publish it!.!.!.!
I will be buying copies!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!


What can I say!? - my words are inadequate to do this justice!.

This is Poetry - will that suffice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com