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Position:Home>Poetry> Do old myths explain the journey of the soul?

Question: Do old myths explain the journey of the soul!?

Tread lightly at the temple gate
of the eternal forest, where I dwell,
poised at the waters edge
where the ivy is forever green
and the rowan tree has fallen
across the stream of destiny,
where the borders of many minds
do flow and ebb and merge,
changing shape, revealing
new souls, gathered from the rain,
like energy released, then gathered
into a single mind, and set free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A very interesting look at heaven as I read it!. Great images!. This is a keeper! Possible edits to consider:
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L7 do you need "the"
My compliments on this poem!. You get a star!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love it !.!.!.
your poetry is so special !.!.
i am not a native speaker you see !.!.!.and the good thing about that is that i am free minded to see through your feelings that you wrote in letters coming from deep inside your hearts imagination!.!.!. for some people i read there poems and picture pops into my mind of a wicked English teacher putting some words in a blinder , turning it on then pouring it on the screen !.!.!.looool
with your poetry its a different story !.!.!. your imagination is like a white magic spell that manage to capture my soul and take it to where you are!.!. and show me a city of love secretes and myths and i just love it!.!. and cant wait to see where is the next one is going to take me !.!.so please do keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Elyslund has also used the Rowan tree in her mythology-based poems!. This mother of all trees is a powerful metaphor!. It is a shame most people--even poets--do not understand the reference!. Your poem is beautiful and mysterious!. It illustrates a firm knowledge of mythology, something I personally have loved since childhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually do not know a lot about mythology, but I saw a book the other day at Borders and picked it up!. I haven't started reading it yet, but I can't wait to finish my current book and start it! I loved your poem!. The imagery in this poem is astounding, I had such a stunning, mystical picture in my mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com