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Position:Home>Poetry> Is legitimate?

Question: Is poetry!.com legitimate!?
I submitted a haiku to poetry!.com for publication!. I received an e-mail stating I had been accepted as a semi-finalist, and had also been nominated for poet of the year by the international poetry society!. I am somewhat skeptical to say the least!. This is my first submission ever!. Is this legitimate, or is this some scam to take my money!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dear Poet,

While I am sure your 5-7-5 was a winner, keep this in mind about any publication!.!.!. if they ask you for money, go on to the next! Publications pay for your work, whether it is in contributer's copies or money!. THEY PAY YOU, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!. There are literary journals that specialize in haikus, tankas, chokas, etc!. Check out Writer's Market for tyhe straight skinny on who best to send your work to and keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com