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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my song/poem? I call it "Spit It Out"?

Question: Do you like my song/poem!? I call it "Spit It Out"!?
Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time,
But dont they know that you are full of pain,
As they try to clean up the stains,
You have lost everything; there is nothing to gain!.

Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time,
But dont they know that you are full of pain,
They say that you are fine,
But why cant they see the signs!.

Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time,
But dont they know that you are full of pain,
Look at them treasure their beautiful child,
While you lie here rejected!.

Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time,
But dont they know that you are full of pain,
No they dont care,
You sit here lonely with nothing to spare!.

Anti ChristWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really liked the repetition of the first two lines per stanza!. 'Twas moving!.!.!.<3Www@QuestionHome@Com