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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this quiet a poem. Please read and voice opinion.?

Question: Is this quiet a poem!. Please read and voice opinion!.!?
our continental island Home is ment to be a poem that is educational describing Australia as a whole detailing our native australian fauna & Flora as well as our environment!.
if you look at the end of this (hope to be a poem)!. you will see the following verse!.

When I lay upon my resting bed,
With the CRUX upon my head,
Gaze upon the coal sack sky,
As 20 years of light goes by,

I thank the queen of 1788,
Who made this land the union jack!?
Of which the abandoned convict settlers,
Made this fine land we call

It is ment to be a representation of our Australian FLAG!.
I have an idea of arranging these words inside an outine of Australia's continent!. But would like an opinion on weither or not it is quiet a poem as yet!. as i know the bottom bit is but not quiet sure about the rest!. Any ideas or suggestion would be much appreciated!. Thankyou!.

Tittled: Our Continental Island Home!. By Tia Metcher

Southern sovereign sceptre,
This multicultural nation (Australia),
My Continental Island dwelling,
Bound by birth this splendid country,

Vast erosive sandy ochre,
Baron land enrich in colour,
The land in which I walk and sleep,
Lay stretched beneath my feet,

Bore tap Swallet, Water supply parched,
Dust clouds swirl, spiralling over rolling plains,
Solitary Acacia tree stands lonesome, on glistening red sand,
Typical scene of Australian desert land,

Tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps,
Is what you will find along our coasts!?

Australia’s native flora, made up of Evergreen forests,
Eucalyptus, acacia, Jarrah,
Wattle bush trees and touch spinney grasses,

Spiny anteater and duck billed platypuses’,
Unusual egg laying native mammals,

Marsupial endemic fauna,
Bandicoots, Emus, Kangaroos, koalas,
Wallaby, wombat, Tasmanian devil,
Australia’s most felicitous animals,

The land of the dreaming,
Owned by native aborigines,
Expert boatman & spear hunters,
The Boomerang inventor and great culture,
Which walked this land for many centuries!?
Enduring this Mediterranean climate,
Of Australia’s harsh land environment,
That we call home,

When I lay upon my resting bed,
With the CRUX upon my head,
Gaze upon the coal sack sky,
As 20 years of light goes by,

I thank the queen of 1788,
Who made this land the union jack!?
Of which the abandoned convict settlers,
Made this fine land we call

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow, you wrote this!? one of the best poems I've read on this site (so far)!.!.!.great job!Www@QuestionHome@Com