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Position:Home>Poetry> What picture do you see when you read this?

Question: What picture do you see when you read this!?

Eyes squeezed tight
Scared to face reality
Hiding and hoping
Maybe if I disappear long enough your memory will fade!?
Memories of the promises I made to you
But, cannot keep!.

If I let you in
It will give me high hopes
Only to watch them fall soon after
I can’t let that happen
I am afraid I wont have the strength to get up

Maybe next time ill keep my lips pursed!?
Avoid making promises I can’t possibly keep
Save myself from the trouble of hiding
And finally learn to let go
Let go of the past, and accept the present


what do you feel when you read it!?
more specifically, what PICTURE do you see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I see someone upset, scared, and confused in a dark corner with those thoughts running through their mind!.

I probably imagined them in a dark corner because of the line, "maybe if I disappear long enough your memory will fade!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

A deeply hurt and confused spirit!.!.!. I see someone sitting on a bridge, away from the view of the world, tears running silently down her cheeks!.!. !.legs hanging over the side, and she isn't sure whether to hold on to the side of the bridge or let go!.!.!. but somethings telling her to hold on!. hold on!.!.!. hold onWww@QuestionHome@Com