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Position:Home>Poetry> Can someone tell me what Upon a Spider Catching a Fly by Edward Taylor is about?

Question: Can someone tell me what Upon a Spider Catching a Fly by Edward Taylor is about!?
I've read it over and over and I can't get the meaning out of it!. I need to know the spiritual aspect of it please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This what I found with a quick google search!.

"In "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly" Edward Taylor portrayed the "dance of death" between a spider, a fly, and a wasp!. The poem symbolizes the human predicament: the sinner (the "silly fly") risks being caught by Satan ("Hell's spider"), while the person who is saved (the wasp) has the strength to escape Satan's web!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Satan is a spider and the silly fly is the weak character who does not arm themselves against sin!. They are rapidly caught!.

The wasp is the strong character, the spider uses a different method and soothes and seduces but still entraps!.

Beware of sin, both the direct approach and the seductive one!.

Then suddenly we get a nightingale at the end!. We should instead be using our energy to praise God!. Stay away from insects!

It is tricky, the imagery is all over the place!. I prefer George Herbert or Emily Dickinson by a long shot! Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com