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Position:Home>Poetry> ~ A rondeau...a Poem of Summer.~?

Question: ~ A rondeau!.!.!.a Poem of Summer!.~!?
Here is a rondeau!.!.!.as it is rather strict in meter, etc!., it may be a bit gramatically incorrect!.!.!.here 'tis:

She sang softly, up the deep stair--
Ancient and cracked!. With creeping care
And a puzzling thought, she upon
The frail steps walked, whispering songs
She sang softly;

And an enchanting sort of tread
She detected, above--ahead;
He paused and listened, dreaming, as
She sang softly!.

A hundred worlds passed o'er the stone
Of that castle, and left it alone!.
An hourglass, with no sand or silt,
Told him yet listening and still
She sang softly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like any poem set in an old house, and this is wrought with a musical ear!. I am not exactly sure if I recognise it as a rondeau, but there have been several variants of this form in different countries, and in several poetic and musical traditions, including a few revivals!. I question nothing, but your word-choice in one-and-a-half places: `detected' and possibly `sort of,' and the possibility of a colon at the end of the penultimate line!. A most enjoyable re-and-read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a truly beautiful poem!. However, it is not a rondeau!. Not only does a rondeau have a strict meter, which you hit dead on, might I add, but it has a very strict rhyme scheme!. The rondeau is built like this




The refrain is not repeated in the first verse, and there are only two rhyming sounds throughout the entire poem!.

However, on a note of sheer poetic beauty, I would definitely advise you to keep this one!. Your meter is beautiful, lyrics haunting, a melody with message!. Classify it as a free verse, and you have one of the best poems I've seen on this site!. Blessed Be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rondeau or not, it is lovely! Thank you for sharing!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love it!. good jobWww@QuestionHome@Com