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Position:Home>Poetry> Who decides what?

Question: Who decides what!?
Tell me your dreams, little one,
what will make your heart soar!?

I want to be admired, like my Father!.

But he is from a different time,
a different criteria!.

I want to be loved, like my Mother!.

Mother’s don’t save buttons in jars anymore,
they buy their children’s clothes!.

When is my time!? Past or Forthcoming!?
Where is my place!? Here or There!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dear little ones!.!.!. They will have to decide for themselves and create their future on the past!.

I don't know if my answer makes sense!.

If I may (I know I may!.!.!.): "a different criteria"!? possible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


Admired, loved these are but transient moods
no dear child seek respect!.
School teacher with the cane, not admired nor loved nor forgotten is he
Respected, Hated, loathed!.
Respect, for his lack of intellect!?
Or the men of 911!?
Heroic men who died for Islam
Their names would never be forgot
If we respected them!.
but we dont
They are scum
Their names forgotten
while their evil remains forever etched into history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear Little One
Know that you are in the now!. but!.!.
Could you wish!.!.wish!.!. that I could send you flying with Peter into that never never land where you will never have to find out that your father was Icarus!.!. and you are his sun!.
Love WendyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is here!. We must live in the present moment, non-existent as it is!. We cannot live in the past or the future!. We must flow with the flow of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like my Mam told me when I celebrated my last birthday!.!.!.
"Look to the future my son!. I've given you the present!.!.!."


Oh, but I do save buttons in a jar! This is heartwarming and asks a pensive and timeless question!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I decided that i should never be like my Mother, in certain ways!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I decided this is not very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Attention seeking again are we!?

Wuv wuv oooooo!! X XWww@QuestionHome@Com