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Position:Home>Poetry> Can someone help me with Personification?

Question: Can someone help me with Personification!?
My friends and I are having an argument over this one!.

Which of the following illustrates the poetic device "personification!?" Please give a reason why!.

1!. Night falls
2!. Wind whistles
3!. Ocean roars
4!. Bee hums
5!. Ground swells

Thank you in advance for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't trust my opinion on this point, but !.!.!.

I would say alone, none!.

1) Night falls is not even a metaphor, because applied to things the verb is transitive!. Applied to night, the verb is always intransitive!. If we wrote, `Night descends the stair of evening,' this might be both metaphor and personification!. Otherwise, it is just the correct verb to use!.

2) `Wind whistles' uses wind as a mass noun, because otherwise it must take a definite article!. Even when personified, wind takes a definite article, and typically a qualifier in addition to say which wind!.

3) Idiomatically, `ocean' in this expression typically takes a definite article, and is not personification, but onomatopoeia!. I think roar applies coequally to animals, machines, humans, and objects, perhaps with a preference for the first two!. If one pointedly omitted the definite article, this would be somewhat ham-handed personification, or a (less ham-handed) reference to a Greek god!.

4) Even de Mandeville's Parable of the Bees, I would not call personification, really, but allegory!. Humming I think is again onomatopoeia; the human sound/action is a separate onomatopoetic sense of this word!. If you are using Bee with no article, as a capitalised name for an animal, like in The Wind in the Willows, then this is obviously something more than personification, like anthropomorphism!. The bise whistles, or the mistral whistles, is not, to me, personification!.

5) I am not familiar with this idiom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personification is the act of applying a human trait to a nonhuman object!.
1!. Night cannot phically fall, and to say it does is personification to that degree, but night falls as it pertains to darkness, would not be a stron personification, due to the fact that it "nightfall" has become known as the encroachment of dark onto the light!.
2!. Wind cannot whistle, but can make whistling noises when combined with some other object, so "the wind whistles a tune" could be considered a personification!.
3!. The ocean makes a roaring noise naturally, so that would be anomatopeoia rather than personification!.
4!.Bee hums is definately a personification of the sound of buzzing, as it puts a human trait to the sound of wings in flight!.
5!. Ground swells could go either way, it's not necessarily a uman trait to swell, and the ground does swell when frozen hard or being hit by an earthquake!. De to that reasoning, I would tend to sat it's not a personification without some explanatory writing to go with itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Falling, whistling, roaring, humming, and swelling aren't things that human beings do but non-human things and creatures do not, so there's no personification in any of those five examples!.!. If you said that the ocean roared in anger, or that the wind whistled merrily, or that the bee hummed a love song as it flirted with the flower, those would be examples of personification!. Humans get angry; water doesn't!. Humans feel and express merriment; the air doesn't!. Humans flirt; insects don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is difficult to judge out of context, because the verbs used here are not necessarily applied only to persons!. For instance, "whistle": you can have a whistling noise, and it is not a personification!. To me, "night falls", "bee hums" and "ground swells" are definitely not personifications!. "ocean roars" and "wind whistles" could be, but only if the rest of the context confirms the personification!.
EDIT: have checked in the OED!. Apparently, the first meaning of "hum" refers to a low murmuring noise like that of an insect such as a bee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow this is a tough one since personification is the act of giving human qualities to inanimate objects or animals!.

I say 4!.!.!.Bee hums!. Bees don't really hum, but humans do!.

1!. is just a figure of speech unless Night falls to its knees, then you have personification
2!. wind really can't produce a whistle, however, if it whistles a melody then you have personification!.
3!. roar is not a human quality so definitely not roar
4!. bees don't hum unless you are listening to a hive of them and they create a humming sound!. But people do hum
5!. many things can swell!. injuries and dead bodies swell, the ocean swells!.!.!.etc!.

By Definition!.!.!.Personification is a figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form

Falling is not solely a human quality!.!.!.many things fall
Many objects and creatures produce a whistling sound!.
Oceans don't roar, but animals do!.!.!.Usually, not humans unless imitating an animal!.
Bees don't hum unless you consider the sound their wings make as humming!.!.!.a word used to describe a sound!.
Many things swell!.

I'm with Annabella!.!.!.out of context it is difficult to say!. It depends on how you use the word!. Even the ground can "swell" with pride and that would be personification!.

My final answer is all of them can be used as examples of Personification!. However, if I have to choose only one, I still feel 'Bee hums' is personification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting!.!.!.!.!.if this is personification it must have taken place such a long time ago that the link has been forgotten!.!.!.!.we automatically assign 'fall' to 'night' without considering that night doesn't actually 'fall' at all!. We should, I suppose, say 'The wind made a sound as though it were whistling like a person' or something!. Ditto the other examples!. What about 'rushing wind' too - is that personification!?

Ground swells is slightly different, in my view!. The ground swells with rain, is just a description of what it looks like!. So this one isn't personification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, ocean roars is the only personification!. A person most definitely can roar when angry or wanting to attract attention in speech!. It's a guttural sound!. It's a bellowing sound!. An ocean, literally, does not produce a roar!.

All the other descriptive words are verbs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I vote for #5, no #4, no!.!.!.#3!.!.!.actaully, #2 is the most correct!.

The ground swells only during volcano season!.
Bee's can sound like a hum!.
The Ocean roars all the time!.
The wind makes other things whistle, not the air itself, which only carries the soundwaves!.!.!.

This means the right answer must be #1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think any of these are personification because each one does these items on their own as what they are!.

Day slakes night
watching him fall

that might be personification!.


To me a bee buzzes so I would be inclined to say the bee humming is an example of personification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

See personification is actually our imagination of converting a non-living object to living n its just our imagination n u plz tell the whole poem then i can helpWww@QuestionHome@Com