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Position:Home>Poetry> Wrote this morning--?

Question: Wrote this morning--!?
Hollow, dark, grim full of doubt it causes me to wallow in this place,
unfamiliar and rearranged this vast emptiness takes part of me,
stretching my arms as if to give the biggest of embrace, inconparisance
to a child as I am to this retched place!.

No time shall past which can erase all my glories, most in one have seen
plenty, when I have only viewed the allotted, mainly in part to this
overwhelming embrace, which I had no say in its participation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
inconparisance!? do you mean ' in comparison ' as in to compare!?

retched!? do you mean ' wretched ' as in despicable!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

typos and malapropisms detract from your piece!. Spell check, check your grammar and word choices!.!.!.the image you're trying to create is fine, your poem just needs some editing!.

!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Retched as in threw up!? or did you mean wretched!.

Otherwise its flat grey boring crepe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com