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Position:Home>Poetry> When love is gone...?

Question: When love is gone!.!.!.!?
Old are this eyes
older than my soul
Ever since you've left them empty

Never was the air this heavy
no clarity even,
no peace of mind
the silence is devouring!.!.!.

Like a manikin
watching the days pass
before my window
stranded in time
layering dust

Never was the day this tiresome
and every phone-call
less then automated message
like the last tread of my energy
has set with the sun

look at me begging here
rusting with this chains
that I'm used to
Trying to remember who I was
but the thoughts of you are overwhelming!.!.!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its quite sad because of
the empty feelings after
someone has left!.
When this happens a person
would lose interest as well as their
belonging and respect!.
The feeling of depression would
come in
Feeling lost as the tears come down the face
with the chains keeping you captive
The loss of energy has drained youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Normally I don't care for 'love lost' poems, but like like this one!. Your choice of words and poetic devices provide a sense of loss without bringing the reader down with it!. This is also a fine example of how a free verse poem should read!.
Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I love it!. There`s nothing else to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com