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Position:Home>Poetry> A brave/foolish question - does a "Muse" really exist ?

Question: A brave/foolish question - does a "Muse" really exist !?
or is it simply an "imaginary friend" or a hip thing to have!?

It appears to be trendy among poets to have a muse to either quote or attribute poetic inspiration to!. Some make them sound like ghosts!.

My apologies in advance if this question offends or annoys anyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Muse exists in the way Father Christmas exists ("Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus")!. The Muse is a person or a concept from which the artist draws inspiration!. I have one!. He is real and virtual at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Muses have been "hip" for a really long time!. Imaginary or not, it is good to have one if you are an artist!.

In Greek mythology, the Muses are a sisterhood of goddesses or spirits, their number set at nine by Classical times, who embody the arts and inspire the creation process with their graces through remembered and improvised song and stage, writing, traditional music, and dance!. They were water nymphs, associated with the springs of Helicon and with Pieris, from which they are sometimes called the Pierides!. The Olympian system set Apollo as their leader, Apollon Mousagetēs!. Not only are the Muses explicitly used in modern English to refer to an inspiration, as when one cites his/her own artistic muse, but they are also implicit in the words "amuse" or "musing upon!."

The muses are typically invoked at or near the beginning of an epic poem or classical Greek hymn!. They have served as aids to an author of prose, too, sometimes represented as the true speaker, for whom an author is only a mouthpiece!.[8] Originally, the invocation of the Muse was an indication that the speaker was working inside the poetic tradition, according to the established formulas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know as a writer I have a muse with me all the time!. Whenever you start to write something and the characters in your work actually advance the story line for you, that's your muse working!. Or when your writing a poem and suddenly you write the next line and you know without doubt no other line would ever fit there!.

Someone can gain inspiration from just about anything!. When you zero in on something simple that doesn't stand at to other people and ideas start flashing through your mind, that's your muse!.

A muse is something the same as mother nature!. We have all seen mother nature get anger and fights back!. But does mother nature actually exist!? It seems to me that a Muse is almost like Mother Natures children!.

also who's to say that that loved ones who have left us in this world don't come along to help guide our imaginations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It definately exists and not just with poets!.!.!.!. with any type of art work or anything where inspiration is needed!.
I really love photography and I have a friend that is quirky and while they don't try to be be muse ( there are those that willingly don the title) they are the most inspirational to me because of their actions and they are so free of imaginary constraints we all place on ourselves so we can be accepted by the perceived norm!.
Its wonderful to have a muse and it is absolutely a real thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course there is such a thing as a muse!. Real or imaginary it does not matter!. It can be a loved one, Parents or spouse Boyfriend or Girlfriend a good example for me was a High school teacher who believed in me!.

It can be anyone you would want to earn the respect of and to be proud of you!.

It can be the image of you as the Person you aspire to be in the future!.

The word comes from Greek mythology, It is one of the few that I think is very relevant to society today!.

Choose your muse allow them to inspire you!.

Best wishesWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh yes! and !.!.!.oh yes some of them are ghosts!.!. it is called ancestor worship perhaps !. Often we are inspired by those who have lived before us!. Poets tend to inspire each other!. Have you noticed!? the numerous odes to the bards!.

Imagination is a strange reality but never doubt its existence!. Christina Rossetti warned us of muses in Goblin Market!. Poe wrote of his muses in The Raven!. Our muses are also our subjects or our obsessions!.

Muses exist!.!.!. see how you have inspired me to sprout ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the land of imaginations, all things simultaneous exist and can be!. A muse wanders this land and when it finds something worthwhile it brings back to the owner!. Muses are free spirits by nature, but if ignored they will go away for long periods of time to sulk!. A muse less person is easily spotted by the look of rejection the person wears!. One must speak about muses with reverential tones, less the word spread through musevine leaks and then, you best get a lot of make up because it will be hard to erase that rejected look! Since this is your first offense my muse has graciously agreed to intercede on your behalf!. Don't doubt again though!. Got to go now my muse just gave me a thought!.!.!.something about " and still the grass needs mowing!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've always thought that a muse was just a personification of a writers imagination and inspiration!.

Not to mention a clever scape-goat when one doesn't feel like writing!. ("I wanted to finish that last page of my story, but my muse just wouldn't cooperate!.")Www@QuestionHome@Com

Musa, or The Muses, were nine sister-goddesses who were the overseers of ancient Greek music, poetry, art and science!.!.!.

Today, many people believe that they are guided by these exact spirits, or other similar entities!.

I cannot deny their influence!.


That's a good question!. I think muses do exist!. It is certainly possible to take inspiration from a person!.

However, I don't know why muses are almost always young, beautiful women!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say yes!. I've had people make comments about poems or stories that made me reconsider what I wrote and then there were those who inspired me to write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely exist!!Www@QuestionHome@Com