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Position:Home>Poetry> Whaddya think of my sugar poems?

Question: Whaddya think of my sugar poems!?

^ Asked for some help with sugar!.!. like poems, and I just slapped a few down!. Figured I might as well get some feedback!.

Sugar sugar, in my bowl!.
Better a lump of sugar than a lump of coal
now that would be a sight
my dainty teacup the one mum gave me
from the hills of Appalachia with the curly pomegranate
a huge lump of coal sticking out
with a useless teabag string
Lipton lumps of coal, on sale for 4!.99
or a teaspoon of black nasty coal
oh what it would do to the milk, the coffee and my morning bowl of oats!.

had i considered you a blessing until now!?

My precious lump of sugar!.


If the streets were made of sugar
we all
would spin out uncontrollably
and attempt to get out of our sugar coated lives
our teeth decayingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i really didn't read this because i just wanted to ask you something!.!.!.!.!.
did you just tell me that my poems suck because ur upset b/c i said that ur a perv when u wrote a poem about how u get "it on" with ur wife and about ur wife "smells like eggs" !?!?!?
b/c that's low and stupid and petty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those are all ridiculously strange!.
My advice- stop the rhyming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com