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Position:Home>Poetry> What id you opinion/interpretation of this poetry-like stanza?

Question: What id you opinion/interpretation of this poetry-like stanza!?
I'm not sure if this is considered a poem!. I had originally written it as a song!. It had nice music to it lol!. But I thought it read like a poem!. Please give me your opinion and/or interpretation of what I have!. Thanks!

I can hear you saying
I'm not worth your waiting
Am I making some sort of mistake!?
Daylight leaves me aching
Feel my body breaking
I don't know how much more I can take
Sweet subliminal responses
Take your mind
You know I'll haunt it
Like a refugee
Running away from all you see
In life there comes a time
Try so hard to survive
And no one really cares
But at least you know you tried
The answer comes some day
You look at me and say
Don’t just stand there girl
And don't throw away the world
That sad heart broken son
From the rubble
Emerged God's Chosen OneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah, it's good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com