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Question: A Simple Poem!?
Being only seventeen I guess it may seem strange,
but this day as my niece and nephews left,
a misty sadness came!.

I played with them all morning until noon,
them being from three years to six,
they still liked to play games and watch me do tricks!.

But as my brother and his wife pulled up I know
that my sweet niece and nephews would
soon leave!.

I put on a smile and said hi to my brother,
he went in and talked to our mother as
I said good bye to my sweets!.

They each gave me kisses and got in to the car,
then my brother thanked our mother,
waved to me and went to the car!.

As they drove down the road and honked the horn
I felt sad because my sweets were gone!.

It felt kinda weird to be so attached,
being as though I see them rarely now,
it felt kinda weird to know I wouldn't
hear there laughter or see there smiles
again for some time!. !. !.

I am not there mother but my
love for them is so deep,
seeing them makes me so happy,
being able to goof around like a little
kid again was a rare escape for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think this is a very sweet poem!. your love for your niece and nephew is heartfelt and rendered well in this piece!. You have given your reader the sense that you don't get to see these little ones as often as you would like and your sadness over that is present in each stanza!.
Don't feel weird to be so attached!. I think it is great!. They are lucky to have such a doting aunt!.

** Just one minor grammatical correction-
In the fourth line of the 6th stanza, "there" should be "their" and the same goes in the first line of the last stanza, where you say
" I am not 'there' mother!. It should be 'their'!.

Nice poem!. Thanks for sharing it!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes poems are more for the writer than the reader!.!.!.your expression is as such as I preceive it, but then that is only my opinion and we all have one, don't we!.Www@QuestionHome@Com