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Question: The Smile!. This is a poem from my heart!. Do you like it!?
The Smile

By Warren E!. Domke

It was just a momentary thing!.
Someone I cared about smiled at me!.
She needed a smile and I gave her one of mine!.

All we can ever be to each other
We are now!.
We can never be more!.

But we can go on caring and smiling!.

(This was posted a few days ago, but Yahoo Answers deleted it because I neglected to phrase it as a question!. If you answered it and your points were deleted here's a chance to get your points back!.)

And this is very much from my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the way you captured that single moment in time when you see chance and possibilities in another's eyes -- and you have the one single piece of time that is belongs to both of you and is yours forever!. Almost as if that second is crystalized in a teardrop crystal; no matter what you do, that single second will never return!.

The poem is beautiful!. I see moments in my past when this has occurred and I wonder -- what if I had taken a different step -- stepped closer rather than pulled back!.

Your poetry is universal because it is one that all people can relate to -- and that is why it will last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've seen it already, and I really like it!. You should keep on writing, and since I think you've mentioned before, you are "new" in poetry, you should keep on writing and developing your poetry, because it's obvious you've got talent!. It's easily seen it's personal and honest, and that's what I most like about this song!. You gave people a piece of your mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The power of a single smile is timeless here, captured by your lovely, bittersweet words!. The second stanza is very moving and has such depth!. All in all, your statement is profound and touching and made all the more beautiful by the fact that it is written from your heart!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A smile says a thousand words most times, and the feelings correct amid strangers, I always feel I have sent and or received, a greeting of "peace"-"It's a good day or have a good day!." A silent easy thing to do, to feel so good!

A nice read, you wrote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its wonderful!! Im glad you reposted this because I wouldnt have gotten to see it!. I really like it alot!. I admire people like you!. I try so hard to write but I just cant seem to do it!. People like you, i think, are very talented and special ( a good special)

NICE WORK = )Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the second time an excellent poem was deleted in a couple of days!. You expressed the gift of a smile very well!. Sometimes a smile is all one needs to get through a difficult day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a very good poem!. It's easy to see the bittersweet, melancholy, and desire within the poem!. It's not just about a smile!. I look forward to reading more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

listen closely!.!.!. here is a deep deep bow from me!.!.

You have successfully written a well expressed and unsentimental poem about a celebratory doomed zygote!.( a fertilized egg that will never see daylight) !.!.!.!. unrequited love! Bravo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is really nice of you warren!. Thank you!.

Yes, it is a beautiful poem and you have a beautiful heart!. Glad to have you as a friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Short and balanced in affect, much as is the composition goal for Tanka, a classical poetry format in Japan (from which Haiku is derived)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I still like this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i like it very much! sounds like someone special aye!? keep smiling!. make someones day!. i send my smile to you as well :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I like this one too!. A smile can change a person from very sad to, feeling everything will be OK!. You have no idea what others are going through!. When my partner of 12 yrs!. went to the other side, my heart drug on the ground, all it took was a smile on someones face to remind me, as my sweetie used to tell me "Everything will be alright!." And it was!.

Remember to put your poems in a !? mode, ok!? Some of the awful words people write about others really tweaks me badly, your poems whatever verse it is or prose, poem,
it is from the heart and enjoyed by the people!.

How long have you been writing!? *just wondering*
Since I've said that your poem is good, could i give you some writing advice that has nothing-what-so-ever to do with your poem!?

When writing a poem about something, you have to be in that mood!. for example, don't try writing a happy, bright poem when your stressed out!. And don't try writing a dark, stormy poem when your happy!.

When writing a love or friendship poem, don't be cheesy!. Nothing throws off the meaning of a poem with the lines:
"Oh, how i love you
I'm stuck to you like glue"
Just, don't do that, no one likes it!.

Always accept criticism when it comes with advice!. It's one thing when someone jusy says "Your poem put me sleep" or "I've heard poems written by the devil that were better"!. Thats just rude!. If someone says something like "That one line i didn't get" then try explaining it!. If someone says "You need to rythme more" Then take it upon yourself to read your poem again, and put in more rythmes!.

And last but not least, never stop writing!. There wil be times when you just can't get words of your head, and you start toe get stressed!. Tale a break when that happens!. I always carry my poerty notbook with me in case something inspires me to write!. So NEVER and mean NEVER EVER stop writing!. You have a gift, and you should use it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com