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Position:Home>Poetry> Is rap poetry? And what's the difference?

Question: Is rap poetry!? And what's the difference!?
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what they said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rap lyrics usually rhyme consecutively!. Poetry rhyme schemes usually vary!. I think all lyrics are poetry!.

What is this creation
Destined for damnation
Fought in desperation

!.!.!. yo!.


It waves in the breeze
I like the tree
It's part of nature
Just like a bee

Hahaha I just made up those cheezy poems, but as you can see, the rap rhymes the first with the second with the third, while the poem has an ABAB scheme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so because a poem is: "writng arranged in short lines, usually with a particular rhythm!."
Rap, is not set out on a page to give deep layers of meaning and poetic technics such as enjambment and iambic pentameters aren't used!. the only poetic tecnhiques rap use, is rhyme, and it isn't to reveal deep meanings, only to make it sound good!. im not insulting rap- it's just not poetry unless it's written down and displayed in lines for a particular reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lyrics are a form of poetry!.

Not always the best form of poetry, but this varies!.

I consider rap poetry, some of it very clever poetry, in the way it works with rhymes and plays with the sounds of words!. And then there's some rap that is just bad poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It's not!.
rap is a type of music, and all lyrics have rhythms sometimes!. a poem is art, and rap is well!.!.!. lets just say that music is like candy!. You gotta throw out the wrappers :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think of all song lyrics as poetry, so yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
