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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem about a boy. supposed to be a story. by a 14 year old. changes?

Question: A poem about a boy!. supposed to be a story!. by a 14 year old!. changes!?
A small silver car is crushed upon the road!.
Where are the people who drive to and fro!?
A girl, quite young, screams out in fear and fright!.
A boy is killed!. He will breathe no more tonight!.
The girl prays to God for strength and knowledge!.
Just Saturday she returned from college!.
She looked at eh boy and was soon to find!.
Not exactly what she had in mind!.
Her best guy friend was the one who was crushed!.
Her body shuts off!. Her life's in a rush!.
She lays her head in her hands and then cries!.
She begins to wish that now she could fly,
Away from here now, Away from fear now!.
She has one question!. She wants to know how!.

She hears the sirens come round the corner!.
She doesn't know that she looks like a mourner!.
They were going to take her friend away!.
Silently now she continues to pray!.
She can't feel his pulse!. His body is cold!.
Why did he go!? He wasn't old!.
The hot salty tears still streamed down her face!.
She then was informed he was in a speed race!.
continued!. check profile!. read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like it, some parts are a little out of place, BUT wow!. I find that wonderful!. It makes me want to cry!. Some of my friends are moving!. some are boys, but thankfully this hasnt happened!.
is this a real life experience for you!?
if so, i find it comforting that you expressed it in poetry/story

good, good!. Check mine out
at my profile there are 2 poetry Qs!. There are like 4 poems if you like to read!. check em out!. I am not much younger than you! ?
good job again!Www@QuestionHome@Com

an excellent poem!. In some sentences, there are a lot of symbols, and in others, there are not many symbols!. Try and make it as even as possible!.

Anyway, its an excellent job, A+Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds ok so far, i'll get back to you after i read it again!!Www@QuestionHome@Com