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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of my poem. honestly...?

Question: What do you think of my poem!. honestly!.!.!.!?
how do you interpret it!?
constructive criticism!.
if you like it let me know, any fellow writters are also good

growing pains!.
stretching from my heart,
branches of tiny vessels form throughout me!.
growing pains!.
pupils widen as bare skin meets bare skin!.
my blurry developing focus is unstable, but becoming!.
growing pains!.
vocal chords correspond with brain signals!.
resulting in quite noises, my attempts; verbalization!.
turning inside out, my exoskeleton, inverted!.
emotional feelings; physical feeling!.
creating distance; apartness!.
leaving void!.
i am growing!.
fully functional now, i am no longer in dependence!.
i grow away, from you; from myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i like it a lot
i think you actually were painting
i mean i dont know how that other guy sees
that you were doing to much describing
ive been reading poems on here for about an hour
and yours is the only one that isn't too much of describing
and too little "painting"
i will definitely check out your myspace
if you have other poems like that
<3 NIcki Novacaine

okay nevermind
can't look at your myspace
you have it all blocked and stuff
if you're really the age it says you are
you are damn goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Tiny vessels grow throughout!.

Skin meets skin,
Blurry vision

Try to paint rather than describe!.
You are getting closer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

but hey
edgar alan poe was just 'interesting' too
until he became famous!.!.!.
where was i!?
oh, yeha!.!.!.!.interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it :) i totally got submerged in what you were

will you please review a book my friends are writing