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Question: My muse is taking a vacation : ( !.!?
Now that I'm on summer break, I've not been able to write any good poetry!. I think my muse has taken a vacation!. This happens every summer!.
Any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This occurs to all of us at times!. I have consulted with The Board of Directors of the Poetry Section, Department of Temporary Demusification!. Their suggestion is that you read the book written by the real-life trainer who is the inspiration for "The Horse Whisperer!." It seems that one of the best ways to get a horse to follow you, is to walk away from the horse!. This seems to work equally well with Muses!. In this spirit I offer you some suggestions:
Take a course in Beginning Finnish!. The only difficult with this is knowing where to start!.
Study the Art of Cheese Waxing!.
Read The Complete Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton!. He is quite possibly the single worst novelist in the history of English literature!. He is best known for the opening line of one of his deservedly ignored novels whose name I have fortunately forgotten, "It was a dark and stormy night!."
Explore the riches of some form of music hitherto completely unknown to you!. Near the top of my list would be Mongolian throat music or Filipino nose flute songs!.
Run for elective office!. You might even win!. It seems that the qualifications for some of these positions are abysmally low!. In order to be elected President of the United States, you need only convince the electorate that you would be a better drinking buddy than your opponent!. Qualifications for many lesser positions may be somewhat more stringent!.
When the Muse sees that you no longer are shamelessly in whorish pursuit of her, she'll come running back!.
Let me know how you do!. I'll be in North Waziristan, observing the annual mating of the dung beetles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

listen to good music, tour a city, look at art galleries, go outside more often!.!.!. get back to me on what kind of poetry your into I might be able to give some reading material to spark your imagination
I dont write I paint but theres nothing like a song with a good beat to "get those creative juices flowing" as my mentor saysWww@QuestionHome@Com

go to your cave!. find the stream!. launch your canoe, lift the paddles and float on the water!. drift deep into the cave!. When it becomes dark and quiet and the flow begins to slow and you are at the centre you may sink to the bottom of the canoe and lay back!. relax and !.just when you just feel yourself falling into the restful arms of a seductive sleep imagine what it would take to change heaven!. bring that image home to your family and friends in the shape of wise and wonderful words !. Imagine it , embrace it then write it!. the cave is navy blue and the walls are sparkling sapphires and the water glitters with the nature of forgiveness or perhaps it is a white world or a village in the mountains!. but find your cave!.!. there you will find everything you will ever need!. your muse waits there and heaven is quivering with excitement and possibility ~ pat ramsdenWww@QuestionHome@Com

What helps me is taking a walk, taking a drive, lots of alone time!. I don't know how close you are to the ocean, but the ocean always inspires me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get inspired
relax in the pool and wait untill something sparks your attention
get involved with other people!. interaction with others might do u a little good!.
go to an art museam or garden, anywhere full of color and lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

just relak, think of something you love, write with your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

listen to real music!. it's bound to give you some inspiration!.

beatles, bob dylan, pink floyd, leonard cohen, even elton john!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah see there is this thing called happiness that chases muses away as they only come in dark times when sadness is at play!Www@QuestionHome@Com

READ some poetry for awhile - the GOOD stuff - esp stuff that seems daunting somehow at first - and try a few Tips from the Masters http://pokerpulse!.com/news/viewtopic!.php!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 1st guy doesn't even know what the word means!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

muse is a band and theyre not on vacation theyre still playing live venuesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just go out and find something that inspires uWww@QuestionHome@Com