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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem, Prose, Dialog, Play, Essay, Zingdorf, Sprillbosh or Cozgonnavetti?

Question: Poem, Prose, Dialog, Play, Essay, Zingdorf, Sprillbosh or Cozgonnavetti!?
“Cornplanter tells stories that make
the children cling close to their mothers!.
He gives life to the great warriors from
long wars many moons ago, beyond counting!.

From each tear and smile, Cornplanter
fills the air with visions of greatness
from Gods and the feebleness of man!.

The sky in Cornplanter’s stories turns
black, but he does not fear it!. He speaks
of power as though he has accepted
the powerless plight of the mortals!.

Cornplanter knows that peace is fleeting!.
He understands that we have fear because many
things are frightening!. Cornplanter tells
the stories so we can learn to face our fears!.”

How do you know this, Sandal Walker!?

“I know it because I must be the next one
who tells the stories!.”

I think you both make it up as you go along!.

“Go bring me some water!”


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely poetry!. There is no way this can be considered prose!.

From Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme:"

Tutor: There's poetry and prose!.
BG: You mean everything I say is prose!?
T!.: You got it!

The above is a paraphrase, of course, but you get the idea!. Everyday language is prose!. This is poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh - you are raising some interesting origins - with this one!. It would get the R&S group really upset - if they could understand it - that is!. Now - all that Cornplanter has to do - is write!. They must have something to quote from!! ;-) ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

who exactly is Cornplanter!? I have tried to catch up to him but he is illusive!. You are Cornplanter arn't you!? I am sure about that for poets only drink tears but always ask for water!.

Oh sorry, the question!? u h !.!.poetry silly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would not be acceptable in any other category!.
Think about it!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com