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Position:Home>Poetry> My Poem; Tell Me What You Think.... =)?

Question: My Poem; Tell Me What You Think!.!.!.!. =)!?
sea breeze grew cold
and girl asked boy to hold
wrapped his arms round her waist
and gave her a taste-
of his soft lips
with that kiss she slips
into her perfect paradise
should she roll the dice
just once more
or this time, would it become a horr-
er; she decides to go for it
and not throw a fit
after a while, and no one comes to visit
she went to a not so exquisite
doctor; and now, she sits in the waiting room
watching the man with the broom
sweep,sweep,sweep; she wait-
s for the cards to play out her fate!.
sweep, sweep, sweep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The man with the broom, sweeping, waiting for the cards to play out her fate!. Good stuff!. I like the whole thing very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is a beautiful poem - it sounds like the woman enjoyed romance but now may be pregnant!. I think this should be a song for the many teens or youth that find themselves pregnant and the father is absent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its very sentimental, and the subject matter, in the context you placed it in!. very creative too!. i liked it a lot!. erotic as well!. well done!. i hope she's pregnant! it would be a nice start to life for the unborn one; a beautiful entry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com