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Position:Home>Poetry> How to write a good free verse? help from poets?!?

Question: How to write a good free verse!? help from poets!?!!?
I write a lot of rhyming poetry, and I wanted to try writing some free verse!. I want to know what kind of rhythm it has to have to make it not just sound like prose!? And how to start a free verse!? Any help from experienced poets, or examples of awesome free verses would be great! Thank you all!!

p!.s!. Please answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a poet who prefers writing in free verse, I find that the best way to write free style is to simply write what comes to mind, or a single stream of consciousness, and keep writing until you have what you wanted to write!. I find that my best poetry is when I simply just wrote a poem on a piece of paper!. As far as I know, there is no Exact rhythm!.!.!.you basically make up your own rhythm as you go along!. A great example of this would be the poem "Howl", by Allen Ginsberg!. You could google it and you'll be able to read the entire thing online!. Hope this helps! Peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is the start to a piece I'm working on:
I had a vision in the night
Of people in misery but more wasn't right
the world was sick, filled with violence and hatred
they were forced to be slick and trick
even to those which they were related!.
I know it needs a lot of work but It's one way to go if your writing free verse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com