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Position:Home>Poetry> Please rate my poem 1-10?

Question: Please rate my poem 1-10!?
I can’t wait to be back by your side
Back in my arms like before
All these bad feeling will finally subside
Never ever to be seen anymore
I can’t handle another assault
As the Greek define as Agape
Because next time there will be no escapeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
10 being the best poem ive ever read, whatever that was, and 1 being the worst, i place this poem at about an 8!.1354?!. creative to be certain!. i liked it a lot!. well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds to me like you just came out of a relationship that may have been abusive some how!. Agape love is the highest form of love - unconditional - like God has for us!.

What I have learned about human love is that you cannot make love happen or force someone to love you!. You have to set them free!. You sound like you miss the person a lot physically!. I wonder if there is a spiritual connection or if it is dependency!? I would have to rate this poem a 6 because you expressed your feelings well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe Agape is pronounced "ah - GAH - pay"
with the accent on the middle syllable!.


I'd rate it an 8!. I can feel the real emotion that you put into it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

5 or 6Www@QuestionHome@Com




I like it!. 8!.5Www@QuestionHome@Com