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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem called HATE about racism and such?

Question: A poem called HATE about racism and such!?

how bad can it be
when you are different!?
and people stare
and frown
and edge away!?
america accepts differences!
exept for those few remaining
that spit at your feet
and laugh behind your back
and cuss you out!?
we are improving every day!
in fact,
the only lynchings left
are those
of the soul!.

i just want to make it absolutely clear that i have witnessed and been a victim of these things and this is pure and total sarcasm!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I appreciate your willingness to confront difficult topics and the idea of racism and pain caused by differences!. But one thing you could improve is imagery!. You confront many ideas in this poem that are amazingly explained, but I think you could make it even better by perhaps describing a specific person who hurt you or certain times people feel pain caused by differences or racism!. Maybe show different people's views on racism!. Good tone and last four sentences!. I liked them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this poem really makes you think!
people today are being told all the time that the world has changed but ur poem is different!.!.!.
ur poem is very good! add a little bit more detail and it'll be just right though!. racism is horrible and i'm proud of you for having the strength to write such an amazing poem that defys todays society!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice poem!.
but America is getting better
you should have seen my grand parents!.!.!.lol
its much better now!.!.but it could be better
Rome was not built in a day!.
there is racism that is rampant all over the world
I have been to Europe and Asia and they don't even bother
to cover it up!.!.as over there its legal!.!.!.
The US is very diversified!.!.but not perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com