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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you make clerihew about James bond?

Question: Can you make clerihew about James bond!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
James Bond
was overly fond
of dry martinis
and wet bikinis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

James bond never wears sneakers
a world on fire is his oyster
destiny always in control
revolutionary road
taxi from england to America
where all roads
lead to adventure
citizenship on a platter
caviar with the kitsch
elegance in economy
expressions were
invented to disguise the oath
two black hawks collide
take a deep breath
and watch the world outsideWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of all who played James Bond,
Daniel Craig's the one whom I'm most fond!.
For he gave us the ultimate word
On which is best: Shaken or stirred!?

[ In "Casino Royale," when the bartender asked Bond if he wanted his martini shaken or stirred, Craig's incarnation snapped back: "Do I look like I give a damn!?" :-D ]Www@QuestionHome@Com