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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate my poems 1-10 coment too. I am 13. I posted this before but people asked fo

Question: Rate my poems 1-10 coment too!. I am 13!. I posted this before but people asked for me to post both parts!.!?
part 1 "the pain"

I learned something today!.
Although it hurts me deep inside!.
I can't seem to find a single person
In which I can confide,
Is it their fought!?
No it's mine!.
Problems in which can't be solved,
But may improve over time!.
Secrets I conceal in which no one will ever know!.
Many burdens in my life upon me they bestow!.
Why must I feel alone,
In this short life I must live!?
Although my many apologies!.
Some just won't forgive!.
I took my friends for granted,
Until they where no longer there!.
I live without them everyday,
For it's too much to bear!.
My friends continue to leave me!.
Slowly one by one!.
I think the sadness is over,
But the pain has just begun!.

part 2

Although the pain continues,
I continue to be strong!.
Although my friend are leaving,
I stay where I belong!.
My parents think I’m crazy!.
My peers think so too!.
They don’t know how hard it is!.
They haven’t got a clue!.
They don’t see the madness,
Or my life’s disarray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Part two is brilliant as is the last half of part one but the first few lines dont match , and its Fault not Fought!.
But keep on writing, its already real Adult quality, like top 10% stuff/
Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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