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Position:Home>Poetry> Here's yet another Poetry Attempt--His Angel. Your thoughts?

Question: Here's yet another Poetry Attempt--His Angel!. Your thoughts!?
His Angel
By Warren Domke

She brings him joy, but now he’s sad!.
He sees her with different eyes!.
She is his angel, but she has neither halo nor harp, nor wings!.

Her birth was a blessing, but she was little for only a short while!.
Then bigger, and growing up, first cute, then beautiful!.

Gentle, with her—not like a boy!. After all she might break!.

Does she favor her mother!? Hard to say!.
He thinks she favors him at least a little!.
They have the same eyes, the same smile!.

But time is the enemy of all good and happy things

Now his angel has grown up, still beautiful,
With poise and grace he never saw before!.
Not a little girl any more, no, now she’s a woman!.

How can he let her go!?
It’s like having his heart ripped out!.
And now pain blends with joy!. Still gentle with her—she’s not like a boy!.

(Just a word of explanation!. I don't have any daughters!. I always wanted at least one!. These feelings are based on a blending of experiences with girls I've looked at as daughters!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Soooo Nice!!!!!!
Can I borrow your poem!?!?!? It is perfect to describe my baby daughter who was born after 2 sons, she is a perfect copy of her dad, Talita (her name), 17 Y!.O is our angel :0)
He is wondering how painful it would be to him, when she got her first boyfriend and etc, etc,!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is beautifull, sounds like you had a daughter!. I only had boys, too!. Girls are too deep, I do not feel I would have done well with raising girls!. I did a really good job on my sons!.

You should not stop, even if it is done for your own enjoyment
your words are beautiful!.


This is good!. You tell a fine story!.!.!.I used to write professionally, for the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival!. After the company folded last year, I started reading and writing poetry again!. I have had to boil everything down to a simple sauce!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love your poem!.it has a deep meaning that i like!.!.!.happiness and yet sadness!.!.!.i think that if you have had a daughter ,she would have been the jewels in your eyes!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"But time is the enemy of all good and happy things!.!.!."

Very true!. You write beautiful poetry!. I loved your last poem as well!.

Keep up the good work!. I look forward to reading more in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is somewhat painful, but time keeps running away abd you don't get things back, things are never the way they were and so are people!.!. Bitter-sweet, I like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love this poem! It sound a lot like my Dad!. I write poems myself but I always rhyme!. I always admire people who can write in prose mine always come out sounding more like an essay than a poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful! Stunning! I love it, such deep emotions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess some Viagra!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A little edit:
She is his angel, but she has neither halo nor harp, nor wings!. Neither/nor, but not multiple nors because neither indicates two!.

It's a beautiful poem!. You don't have to experience everything that you write about -- just be willing to be open to empathy and understanding!. I've never been a gangsta girl!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com