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Position:Home>Poetry> Please come home. What do you think of this?

Question: Please come home!. What do you think of this!?
I know you woke up one day
After travelling far to get here
And you didn’t know where you were
The sun rose and you didn’t care

But it’s ok because tomorrow is new
And it doesn’t care about yesterday
Or you or me or anyone
So look at me and tell me what you want to say

It’s been so long since I could help you
If you’d let me I’d like to try
Anguish was the ocean you set me adrift in
To wait for you

A day will come when you will recognize me
Once again and I will smile
Knowing that you have joined me once again
Maybe I am dreaming

When I look in the mirror I see past you
Then blur my eyes so you are beautiful again!.
If you could hear me I would say
Please come home, I miss you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gorgeous! I loved this poem! Nicely written! I loved "anguish was the ocean you set me adrift in to wait for you" such a strong line!

I'm looking for writers to work with to create a book full of poetry/art!. Let me know if you're interested!.


Gene MarieWww@QuestionHome@Com

Any man would be surely on his way with no hesitation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a great poem of love and happiness' and it's beautiful!.and i really think you've written a great poem!.,!.,!.,!.,!.Www@QuestionHome@Com