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Position:Home>Poetry> Gospel or bluesy rock melody for these words?

Question: Gospel or bluesy rock melody for these words!?
Been humming in my mind the muse from yesterday "satin dancing" and then came up with this!. Don't know!.!.!.!.comments!?

Satin Dancing

Satin’s dancing…!.it’s nighttime loving
Sweet, sweet, sweet… satin loving
We’re moving well…!.Momma and me
Loving’s coming…satin loving

My Momma got those moves a flowing
Steamy times calling, lights are fading
Sun wont want to rise when we’re moving
Loving nighttime loving… satin loving

Some sweet, sweet, sweet…satin loving

Honey you’re curving fine, hmm loving
Daddy toying but he sure enjoying
Oh sweetie, my, my, my…sugaring
Daddy’s loving … loving your loving

Some sweet, sweet, sweet…satin loving

Yes we’re dancing now oh honey dear
This loving making Daddy cheer…
Oh honey, I see you smiling dear…
Yeah, yeah, Daddy’s loving Momma’s cheer

Some sweet, sweet, sweet…satin loving
Some sweet, sweet, sweet…satin dancingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Who's the gentleman, long gone, who used to sing
Sexual Healing!?!.!.if only he were still here, he would have snapped up your song - very sexy, and rhythmical!.

As they say, 'You've missed your vocation'

Well doneWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say, country twang like Hank Williams sang, or can't
recall the artist that sang, "Easeeee Loving" Drag out the,
Satin lov'ng----sings the same!
just 2- sweet - sweet lov'in, drags better I think, for a song anyway!. Whatever, this is a different side of Neon
poet style!. music was on my mind last night, wrote a quad!
of sorts thinking music----------------------------Www@QuestionHome@Com

My oh my, secrets you are a lettin,
I read your poem, and I am a sweatin!.
If in gospel,the church would surely burn!.
Too sexy and raunchy for my concern!.
But in bluesy rock with everyone swaying
Hips grinding, you know what I'm saying
Stop it, stop it,can't stand anymore
I'll faint away on the kitchen floor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely NOT Gospel!. Wonderful song--gotta have some sweet Dondiesque guitar music with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It ain't exactly an intellectual tour de force, but these are perfect lyrics for a song!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad, very interesting!. Satin dancing, a great idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd bluesy or country western, although you could hit the rap scene with a version of it too; even b-bop!.

What do you hear in your head!?

You've got a good bridge!.!.!. write some more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was a good dancer, before I smacked my right hip on the pavement!. Now I like to watch fat old guys on Dancing with the Stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can really imagine that in a bluesy rock!. Yep, definitely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Satin sheets!? *blush*
That's what I picture when you say 'satin'!. I very much enjoy this poem and the rich imagery of it!. Very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rock - 'cause it's a rockin' !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like some personal between you and your loverWww@QuestionHome@Com