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Position:Home>Poetry> Please tell me what you think of my poem =]?

Question: Please tell me what you think of my poem =]!?
The story of us…

I wish I could write down all the things I want to say,
But I don’t think they’d fit in a letter that you could read in a day…
The first time I saw you; I was hoping to get to know you more,
To see what was going on behind that closed door…

You make me happy, and you make me cry,
Sometimes I wish you could clarify,
What you mean, why you said,
We’ve got to wait, not move ahead…

I try to keep myself busy, so I don’t remember your face,
Try to move on, speed up the pace…
But every time I fold up the old blanket I replay,
How we did that together, on that warm spring day…

And every time I pick something up,
I remember your hand in mine, and how good it felt…
The green felt on the table leaves laughter ringing in my ears,
The thought of your smile reduces me to tears…

Because everyday now, I fake a smile,
Just so you don’t realize the sadness you’ve added to the pile…
All I wanted was a warm body next to mine, a simple task,
Was that really too much to ask!?

Maybe its karma, catching up on me,
Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be…
You once compared us to Romeo and Juliet,
Is that us!? Over the day we met!?

I’m walking blindfolded across a wire,
High up, and I just seem to be getting higher…
Confusion surrounds me, any more and I’ll trip,
After a while, I lose my balance and slip…

I finally begin to let it go,
As I plunge into the blackness below…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Simply perfect!.!.!. A poem, and generally words without feeling, are words without meaning!.!.!. And i'm sure what you write is what you feel!.!.!. Gratz girly!.!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminded me of the times I have been loved and hurt, I really enjoyed the poem, although I dont like the last line plunge into blackness below, seems to end on really depressed note that could be just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that is the best poem i have ever read!. Right now i am doing a poetry project and i wished that poem could have been published so that i could research a poem that i enjoy!. Good job on writing that


Wow, its really good!! you can really tell its got a deep meaning!. I love it!

write more, you're brilliant :)


It is a very touching poem, quite sad though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com