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Position:Home>Poetry> How do YOU write happy poems?

Question: How do YOU write happy poems!?
I'm generally a very happy person!. I'm optimistic and do a lot of sports!. I love school, love my friends, love life in general!.
But whenever I sit down to write a poem, which I do a lot, it turns out kind of sad and depressing!. They are all very deep and lyrical, and I like them, but I'd love to write happy poems too!. I've tried, and they always turn out serious!.
Any suggestions for writing happy poems!? what should I write about!?

Thank you!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're a happy person that's a good start!.

Try to express that happiness!.

Do you have pets!? Write about them!. You like skiing!. Write about that!. Don't worry about the world too much!. It's been here 4 billion years!. It's probably going to be around a long time after we're gone!. Don't take life too seriously!.

Laugh at silly stuff!. Express the fun you like to have!. Keep trying!. I'll try to write a happy poem in the next few days and maybe I'll be able to give you an example!. Tori writes good happy poems, too, so watch for her questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would depend on what comes to me

Birds Poem
Birds come in differents kinds
as one will find
There are some that fly
up in the sky
Ones like pelicans would float on the river
I couldn't do that I would shiver
But all birds come to the ground
to see what food can be found!.

Summer Poem
On June 20 summer will be here
once again for another year
Quite often the weather is hot
but some days it is not
People are out doing a suntan
or if they are not careful a sunburn
The weather can be rain
that is fine as long as the water goes down the drainWww@QuestionHome@Com

Beats me, If I get a laugh I am happy!.

I wrote a war poem as a joke
It made me cry I nearly choked

It can get too personal, and allow others to see too much of your soul, especially if the result gets criticised,

I thiink probably the best poems are sad!. but there seems little scope for deep lyrical happy poems!.

I penned a poem from Juliet to Romeo earlier in answer to a question, that's as near as \i get to a happy poem but I had to ease myself from the emotion with a joke in the last line!.

I wish you luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happy poems are so much better

To create like knitting a sweater

Take it one stitch at a time

Make it happy and very sublime

Don't let any snags get in the way

A smooth woven creation is like a ray

Of sunshine to make you feel good

And voila' ! A happy poem is written like you knew it could !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try writing limericks!. Due to their shortness and simply rhyming scheme they seem to lend themselves to humor rather than drama!. Once you've written one try using it as a basis for a longer poem in the same vein!.

Even a poem about cancers
When posted in Yahoo Answers
Can make you smile
For some short while
If you think of surgical lancersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Start writing about life!. How happy you feel when you're around your friends!. Write about what you do together and the good times you've had!. Use metaphors for happiness!.!.!.!. Poetry can't be calculated!. If you can't seem to write happy poetry, it won't come out and you can't force it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about your likes, and dislikes, and emphasize your likes more than your dislikes to make it a serious happy poem!. I'm a poet, and that's what I do!. You can check out my profile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try thinking positive!. Say!.!.!.!.!.!.your life!. You like your life!? Try jotting down notes and put them together into a poem!. I kind of write depressed poems and that!.!.sorry if i don't help =(!. I hope i do =)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahah write about how deep your love is ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com