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Position:Home>Poetry> Summerized Anne Bradstreet's The flesh and the Spirit?

Question: Summerized Anne Bradstreet's The flesh and the Spirit!?
please help!.!.!.!. Just tell me a little about it to get me started!.!.!.!. I can read poems better when i know a little about them to start with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Initially, this poem is a little confusing, because it does not take the form of stanzas; but rather, the entire poem is one long stanza – just like one long rant! Although the poem was not hard to follow, the reader must pay close attention to note the change in personas!. The initial persona is a narrator, most likely a passerby who witnessed the conversation between the two sisters!. This constitutes the first portion of the poem (lines 2-9), which is in the point of view of the narrator!. Then, the next section (lines 10-37) takes the persona of the sister called Flesh, followed by the next chunk (lines 38-109) which has the persona of the sister called Spirit!. Bradstreet does not categorize these speakers into stanzas!.
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