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Position:Home>Poetry> Not really a poem I guess but what do you think?

Question: Not really a poem I guess but what do you think!?
I felt encouraged by replies I received yesterday!.
So i decided to post again!.!.!.
Its not easy to post these!. Photographs are easy but these are most personal!.

The Wonderful Hesitation
When she gazes up at the sun,
That shines like a single light in a tall room,
Unburdened by hope it makes me wonder when we ceased to be miracles

Here we stand at the edge of unknowable things
Comforted by the wonderful hesitation
That protects us from the deafening sound of breaking dreams

Who will take the first step
And tell the other what to expect
Who will save the news of disillusionment for more peaceful times!?

Here we stand sharing a smile
A small wait, a relaxing breath
And the wonderful hesitation comes again as her foot leaves its bubbleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is lovely!. Really!.

!.!.!.anyone who said it was boring would probably say the same about Shakespeare or Poe (i!.e!., wouldn't know decent poetry if it bit them on the ***)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its ok but make the reader feel that emocion and feel that place!. add details to do this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad!.!.!. not amazing either though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah thats a poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats awesome i love itWww@QuestionHome@Com

its kind of boring, im sorry!. you need more action or something to happenWww@QuestionHome@Com